About Us
Here you will see the richness and the history Hibiscus Lodge has, and all its involvement in the Masonic community since it first was chartered.
Our Lodge’s History
On august 6, 1946, W:. Nathaniel G. Kirsch, twice PM of Chicago Lodge, called a small group of men to a meeting and informed them that he had approval to form another Lodge on Miami Beach. The original petition to Grand Lodge was recommended by Ocean Bay Lodge #180, and granted by Grand Master Frank H. Thompson on July 9, 1947.
The first recorded meeting of Hibiscus Lodge took place on August 12, 1947, a Tuesday. This meeting was officiated by District Deputy Grand Master Alvin D. Simpson, and the officers were placed in charge of the Lodge, E Albert Pallot serving as our first Worshipful Master.
On Tuesday, May 18, 1948, an emergent communication from Grand Lodge was held in Miami Beach for the purpose of “Constituting, Consecrating, and Dedicating” Hibiscus Lodge #275 and installing its officers. The Grand Master Hal W Adams was present for the occasion.
On March 23, 1948, the Grand Lodge accepted the By-Laws submitted by Hibiscus.
The first issue of the Craftsman was published November 1948.
Hibiscus has a Masonic Trial on one of its members, and the Brother is found not guilty.
The Hibiscus DeMolay Chapter is formed with the initiation of 52 boys.
WM institutes Past Master’s Night by honoring W:. E Albert Pallot at the Copa City Club.
A site on Alton road is purchased for Hibiscus’ future home.
On May 31, 1949, Hibiscus Lodge creates the Hibiscus Blood Bank, for the purpose of donating blood to the city.
On January 18, 1950, construction begins on the Hibiscus Temple. W:. Ben Essen raises pledges of $21,000.00 in bond sales towards the construction of the Temple.
On September 18, 1950, led by the Miami Beach High School Band in full Regalia; accompanied by an escort of police motor-cycles, accompanied by the Mahi Chanters of the Shrine, over 200 members of Hibiscus attended the laying Of the Corner-Stone of Hibiscus temple. A capsule containing messages from the Various dignitaries present were enclosed in the corner-stone.
At the time, Hibiscus had 417 members.
On Tuesday, December 5, 1950, the Masonic Temple of Hibiscus Lodge No 275 F&AM was dedicated with R:. W:. Perry Ross acting as Grand Master. The Worshipful Master at the time was Morris Rabinowitz.
The Fellowship Club puts on its first Master Mason Degree in full regalia. Hibiscus hosts the Masters & Wardens meeting in its new Temple with great attendance.
The membership is now 520 brothers.
The officers wear tuxedos for the degree ceremonies for the first time.
The Governor of Florida, Fuller Warren, is the guest of Honor at Hibiscus for the celebration of George Washington’s birthday.
The Masonic Education program is instituted in Hibiscus, with discussions of the Masonic Education lectures.
R:. W:. Ben Essen, Past Master of Hibiscus, is the first member to be appointed by the Grand Lodge.
Hibiscus has a fund raiser at the Miami Beach Auditorium.
Hibiscus holds a Past Masters Night program, where at a regular meeting, the Past Masters take over the Degree work.
Operation Theater Party: Hibiscus arranges to have Studio M, a professional Dramatic Group, put on a series of highly successful plays which turn out to be outstanding financial and social successes.
Hibiscus buys out the entire opening night performance of the “Holiday on Ice” show being held at the Miami Beach Convention center Hall (6500 tickets), and with overwhelming response of the Hibiscus family, turns the affair into a great financial and social event.
Hibiscus again buys out the “Holiday on Ice” Show, with great financial success.
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Florida honors The Craftsman, and the May 1960 issue is placed in the Masonic Museum of the Grand Lodge in Jacksonville.
Hibiscus bowling league is organized.
“New Masons Night”: Brethren raised in 1961 put on a degree.
The WM Master’s Hour is instituted, in which the WM is available to any brother between 6:00 and 7:00 pm before each meeting.
The Masonic Birthday program is started, in which a card and a personal invitation to attend Lodge for a special recognition are extended to the birthday Brother.
Employment Opportunities Committee is initiated to assist brothers in getting jobs. The slogan is “I am my Brother’s keeper.”
The MW Grand Lodge of Florida prohibits advertising in the Craftsman.
Hibiscus holds its first Table Lodge.
Hibiscus initiates the Foster Parent’s Plan, whereby the Lodge “adopted” a needy child and supports him for a year. The fist child was a 5 year old from Ecuador, Mixi Velasco.
Hibiscus Foster Parent’s Plan adopts 2 more children.
Hibiscus adopts another child. The Lodge travels on a Cruise to Nassau.
Hibiscus adopts a child from Viet Nam. Hibiscus donates 2 scholarships at the Miami Beach High School Honor Assembly.
Mt Sinai Hospital honors Hibiscus Blood Bank for its contributions.
Hibiscus buys out the opening night of “Fiddler on the Roof”, and has great success.
The Mayor of Miami Beach, W:. Chuck Hall, is elected WM. Brother Daniel Neal Heller is the first Hibiscus member to receive the 33rd Degree.