State of the Lodge – May 2002

From the East

State of the Lodge:
Brothers, now that the first third of the year is coming to a close, I decided to
examine where we have come and where we are going. Following is a list of the various committees, what they have accomplished in italics and what remains to be accomplished. Brotherhood Committee: The Brotherhood Committee-new this year-has created name tags in case you forget a Brother’s name. We will be continuing with the practice of introductions at the Lodge. We need to do a better job of following up with Brothers who don’t show up at Lodge events.

Charity Committee: the Charity Committee has set out a goal for funding
and as a part of raising necessary funding has formed a 501(c)(3) Charitable Foundation, so that contributions made will be tax deductible and gone to the Craft seeing funding for the various projects planned for the year. So far about 20 Brothers have generously pledged twice as much as we collected all of last year. The Committee is hot on the trail of the next winner of the Hibiscus Lodge No. 275 Scholarship in Honor of Robert Tendrich to be presented at the June Stated Communication. We need to have charitable activities,currently under discussion are a walk for charity, child-id in our community, providing turkeys and fixings for Thanksgiving, feeding the homeless, providing toys to homeless children, doing a float for the Junior Orange Bowl Parade, and helping build, homes for the needy.

Communications Committee: The Communications Committee-new this year–has worked hard to reach the Brothers–the Craftsmen has gone from a page or two to 6 pages letting the Brothers who cannot come to Lodge know better what is going on. Hibiscus Lodge’s website is back on line and has a link to the Grand Lodge’s website. Communications by e-mail have and continue to improve-more are aware of things going on as they are happening and more is being accomplished Hibiscus Lodge is again
being listed in the District’s Tresselboard and the Tresselboard is being forwarded monthly to those on the e-mail list. We need to begin letting the public know about our charitable and community activities.

Events Committee: The Events Committee-new this year—held what I consider the best picnic I have ever been to and by the comments this opinion was held by all. Currently being planned is a summer Brotherhood event and another great paella party.

Finance Committee: Despite substantially reduced interest rates, the Finance Committee worked to improve the budget, reduce expenses, and create a more balanced investment strategy which included a new method of charitable funding, see below. We will be voting on a by-law amendment regarding a necessary dues increase which was recommended for approval by the Craft at the February Budget meeting and by the Finance Committee.

History Committee: The History committee-new this year-has moved forward with Lodge Coins which will be here for the May Stated Communications, Lodge Pins which should be here for the June Stated Communications. The committee made the first Lodge power point presentations at both the Installation and at the Gala. The committee has been working on and now has a first draft of our 54th Anniversary Book. The committee has been taking a tremendous number of photos at Lodge events. We need to gather additional content for the 50 year anniversary book and make it into a cd-rom. We also need to convert photos and other materials from events this year into a digital yearbook on CD ROM. Despite my requests for Masonic books for a library, no one within the Lodge has provided a single book–unless this changes this project may be dropped for lack of interest. We are in the process of gathering things for a display of Hibiscus plaques and memorabilia, we would love to have a display cabinet-if someone has one to donate or knows of a really cheap one pleas let me know.

Masonic Education: Our Lodge Instructor has learned and presented the E.A. lecture and will be presenting the F C. lecture in June-don’t miss it. Masonic materials have been provided to the officers and those on the Mentoring Committee to have us better informed Brothers have visited District’s school of Instruction and communicated what they learned back to the craft. The Lodge has a new policy to provide a Red or Blue book based upon attendance. We are having a visit from the Eastern Star in August and we are planning a Masons in the Media presentation and discussions regarding same.

Mentoring Committee: We are working on standardizing the mentoring of candidates and Brothers through the process of becoming Master Masons. We have mentors working with the new Brothers on a regular basis.

Traveling Committee: The Traveling Committee–new this year-has visited Royal Palm and Coconut, Grove Lodges with at least, 5 Brothers and have been received most pleasantly. After having the, Traveling Gavel taken from us by Brothers from Coconut Grove, six days later we visited that lodge and took it back where it has remained for all but 6 days this year. We still have 7 other lodges to visit in our district.

Additionally: We have added music in the Lodge; had an E.A. degree initiating two Brothers, to the degree we added sound, lighting and other special effects for a more dramatic and interesting presentation. We have done more of the non-business matters before opening Lodge so our guests, candidates, and non-master masons can get a better taste of what we are about- We are working on an Awards Night to show our appreciation
for the various contributions to the Lodge. Events for the lodge, other than the summer event are already scheduled throughout the year. The bottom line is that lots are going on in the Lodge and with the Craft, but there is lots
more to be done, we need all of you to help to keep moving forward. Show up, get involved.

Roger M. Dunetz, W:. M:.

April’s Stated Communication: was District Deputy Grand Master Paul Richman’s official visit for 2002. Bro. Jim Sandison delivered the Entered Apprentice lecture to the Brothers- Bro. Sandison was outstanding and received a rousing applause. Since that night, R:. W:- Paul M. Richman has expressed his strong support for the efforts of Hibiscus’ Brothers and the progress we are making. He also reiterated his great affection for us and that
he is, as always, willing to help Hibiscus Lodge in any way. May’s Stated Communication meeting we will be discussing legislation under consideration at the Grand Communication in June. We will again have all Brothers present tell a bit about themselves-we did this a couple of times last year and it was a hit. Hibiscus Lodge Picnic in Honor of W:. Bro. Paul Bauer took place on April 13, 2002, at
1 p.m. at Matheson Hammock. As a personal note I thought it was the best picnic I have ever been to. With extra special thanks to Bro. Ed Almeyda who chaired the event, Bro. John Holian who initiated and got moving the children’s activities capped by the enormously loved Bounce House. With special thanks to the Brothers who cooked, cleaned, set up, took photos etc. Bros. Greg Conterio, Charles Hill, Ramon Irigoyin, Ted Cohen, George
. Thanks to Bro. Gil Kaufman for the Ham. In the above and beyond the call of duty, Lynn Bauer provided a sheet cake and more hula hoops, potato sacks, water balloons, egg carries, bouncing balls etc. which kept the children happy and occupied-mostly. There were too many activities to name, Brothers of Hibiscus promised much and delivered more than they promised. Congratulations are due to all of you for all of your efforts.

Roger M. Dunetz, W:. M:.